We source, pack and process seafood products from around the globe, bringing them to a variety of international markets. We have a solid understanding of what it takes to develop a product and bring it to market.
These products are the ones we deal with most frequently, however we can source other seafood and other products. Have a look at the products below, or select a category from the menu to see only products from that category.

Sea Mullet Mugil cephallus
Sea Mullet are a moderate to high fat fish, contributing to their mild, earthy flavour.
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Crumbed Fish Fingers
These crumbed fish fingers are a perfect quick meal for adults and kids alike. Lightly pan fried, they also make the perfect snack.
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Battered Southern Blue Whiting Micromesistius australis
Moist white flesh with low fat content and a mild flavour make Southern Blue Whiting the perfect fish to batter. This is a high quality, premium “fish and chips” product.
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Pineapple Cut Squid Fillets Todarodes pacificus or Illex argentinus
Pineapple Cut Squid fillets are fillets of squid meat with a pineapple pattern cut into one side., creating a pleasing curled squid finish when the meat is cooked. These are especially popular as ingredients in soups, pastas and risottos – but can also be used for salads, or eaten as a snack.
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Japanese Roe Off Scallops Patinopecten yessoensis
These scallops are farmed in both Japan & China and are an absolute delicacy. These scallops have are a tender, firm meat that is also a healthy source of protein and good minerals.
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Japanese Roe On Scallops Patinopecten yessoensis
Farmed in Japan and China, graded, dry-frozen. These are usually sold as IQF frozen meat, however other can be sourced in other forms if required.
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